February 2019

Everyone has heard of the old wedding traditions like something old, something new, something borrowed something blue, or your new hubby carrying you over the threshold. But do you know the  ancient reason behind these traditions that have become part

I have so many little ones celebrating their first birthday recently, and it has been so fun capturing these memories! Dylan came to my studio last week for his Calgary Construction Themed Cake Smash and it was so much fun!

My, oh my, do I love cake smash sessions! I love designing the setups, capturing all the cuteness and helping these little ones party their first birthdays away. Last week I got to meet Kate, a very sweet one year

I got to meet this sweet family just about 2 years ago when I met James & Shannon for their first maternity session. Fast forwards, and these two are excepting baby number 2 to add to their already adorable family.

A couple weeks ago I got to hangout with one of my favorite Calgary small business owners, Bonnie from Bonnie Lang Fitness for her Personal Trainer Calgary Branding Photography session. She is one of the nicest, most genuine, crazy fit

I got to meet Becky years ago when I worked for WestJet. Being a flight attendant you were very often put with new crews every week so you got to meet a lot of amazing people. Becky and I flew

A couple weeks ago I went through a situation where I had not one but two different people steal my images and use them as their own. The first was a website that used my images to drive traffic to