Calgary Family Photographer | Paisley Photography

Canmore Engagement Photographers

Engagement seasons are some of my favourite session to shoot. What makes them even better is when you have already had the chance to photograph one half of the couple when the soon to be bride, Heather, was the maid of honor in one of my favourite weddings from 2016. I secretly hoped when I saw this adorable couple at Dylan & Brandi’s wedding that I would get asked to shoot their engagement session. They were that adorable. For Tom & Heather’s Kananaskis engagement session we headed out to the mountains just before sunset to see if we could catch some dreamy mountain light. Tom is from the Northwest Territories and so this was his first time ever being out that way in the Kananaskis. It was so fun to watch them play, and laugh together.  Tom knew exactly what to say to make Heather laugh, and not just giggle but the throw your head back type laugh that I love to capture. They really were a dream to photograph. I love nothing more when clients are open to all my crazy request or offer to walk into the freezing cold river water. The best!!

Congrats Tom & Heather and thank you for trusting me in capturing these fun memories for you!!

Canmore Engagement SessionKananaskis Engagement SessionKananaskis Engagement PhotographyCanmore Engagement PhotographyCanmore Engagement PhotosSee what I mean about the through you head back laughing type of laughter! They were the cutest!Canmore Engagement PhotographerCanmore Engagement PhotographersCalgary Engagement PhotosCalgary Engagement PhotographyEngagement Photos CanmoreEngagement Photos CalgaryCalgary Engagement PhotographerCalgary Engagement PhotographersEngagement Photography CanmoreTom carried her all the way out there into the rive but then Heather wanted to see if she could jump from rock to rock back without falling… good news is she made it!Engagement Photographer CanmoreAllen Bill Pond Engagement PhotosCalgary Wedding Photographer

If your looking for a Engagement Photography in Calgary, Canmore, Banff get in touch with me at







  • Kristen Feldman
    June 9, 2017

    WOW! This is such a beautiful session and the location just adds to the wow factor. Absolutely gorgeous engagement session and lovely couple!

  • Debbie
    June 9, 2017

    These two really seem happy and genuinely in love.

  • June 9, 2017

    Awww I feel the love!!! Love the posing.

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