Tips & Tricks

Week 39 in my a click a day photography project series we once again backed up out bags and headed to BC for one last family weekend! The weather could not have been more beautiful and actually was even nice

Week 38/52 in my photography project was a fun one! I shot my last wedding of my summer season which was at the crazy beautiful Bonaterra Trattoira  in downtown Calgary! It has this stunning patio that looks like you have

 Week 36/52 we were happy to be back in our own bed. A hotel bed can be the comfiest, coziest, biggest bed you have ever slept in but getting home and crawling back into your bed always feels better! I

Week 36 of my a click a day photography series  is the first week of september. Batter late then never right!?! We spent the week lounging on the beaches of Costa Rica and soaking in all the warmth we could.

Week 35 of my A Click a Day Project my husband and I started the 1st week of our two week vacation exploring the amazing country of Costa Rica! What a beautiful country Costa Rica is! There is a little

I am so far behind posting my a click a days photos so bear with me. Week 34 was the third week of August and my hubby, myself and my parents planned a long weekend away to our family cabin

This week I am trying to enjoy every last moment of summer! Soon kids will be going back to school and life will go back to the way it is over the winter.We will soon start pulling out our warmer

As a photographer I get to be a part of some peoples most special and private moments! This week I got the opportunity to shoot a proposal which was crazy fun! Those pictures will be popping up on my blog