Calgary Newborn Photos Tag

Meet sweet baby girl Hannah! This precious little one was such a pleasure to photograph! She was so smily and slept like a little angle through the session. She was also so eager to meet her parents she showed up 10

I got the absolute pleasure of meeting sweet baby boy Dominic this week! He was such a little cutie patootie and slept like an angel the whole time! His big sister was so loving towards him and loved just being by

Little miss Grace! What a little sweetie. I got the pleasure of meeting this little dolly last week and got to do her very first photo session. She was so sweet and was the perfect little model! Congrats you guys

James & Ashley welcome little miss Ella into the world on September 9th and she is just the sweetest thing ever! I had the pleasure of shooting J+A's wedding down in Mexico in 2013 and now I had the pleasure

I first got to meet Nick, Lucianna, and Leo at their maternity session a couple weeks back. I then got to meet the newest addition to their family baby boy Vincent! What a little sweetie. He was just the perfect

I got to meet Baby Boy Luca last week and what a little cutie! I couldn't wait to do his first photo session after I met his beautiful parents during their maternity session. I love capturing special moment if clients

Last week I got the pleasure of meeting sweet baby Kaleb. He was such a little sweetie! With a full head of bleach blonde hair he stole my heart. Big sister Dilynn was so cute him him and just wanted

I was so excited to meet little Adele Natlare! Natlare is Cree for Snowberry and is pronounced na-gla-ray. Isn't that just the best name ever!?! She was only 6 days old when I got to photographer her, and she was