Canmore Maternity Photos Tag

Last week I headed out to one of my favorite places in the mountains for Melissa's Wedge Pond Maternity Session. We had just gotten a lot more fresh snow overnight so the trees had that perfect amount of frosty tips.

The Rocky Mountains in the winter really are spectacular! They draw people from all over the world to come visit and explore them, so this gives me the opportunity to meet so many amazing people from all over the world. Tiffany

A few weeks ago I got to catch up with my best friends cousins and his beautiful girlfriend Christy for their Town of Canmore maternity photography session. I have know Brendan since we were both kiddos, me being a slightly

On a perfect wintery afternoon I met Mike & Barbara for their Canmore Iron Bridge maternity session. Canmore has been going through a warm spell these last couple weeks so all the snow we had on the ground is gone

This past weekend I had the chance to reconnect with one of my 2015 wedding couples for their adorable maternity session. These two are from Cold Lake Alberta and traveled all the way down to Canmore for their wedding last year.