International Wedding Tag

My husband and I got the amazing opportunity to travel to Spain and Portugal to photograph these unbelievable countries over the month of June! While we were in Lisbon Portugal visiting one of the many amazing cathedrals, when we came

By looking at the photos you would NEVER, not in a million years think that these two were nervous to get in front of the camera! Yup they  were absolutely naturals! Not to mention the beautiful surroundings and all the

You know when you have laughed so hard all the muscles in your stomach hurt. Well that was exactly how I was when I left this session! Even though it was pouring rain we made the most of this session

I feel absolutely blessed to have been a part of this beautiful wedding! Not only to see two people I call friends, stand up in front of all their loved ones and get married in the Mayan, but also because

I met Ashley flying the friendly skies as she is a fellow flight attendant. Over the past year or so I have gotten to fly with her a tonne which as been awesome because I have gotten to know her

I had the pleasure of meeting this beautiful couple last weekend! They were such a great couple and such troopers. We had set up this couple session months before, and when the date finally arrived I think it was the

On September 22, 2012 I got the opportunity to share in Tyler & Tara’s wedding day! They picked the PERFECT day! I can not believe that it was 27 degrees in September but the color on the trees could not

I absolutely adore this couple! They not only are from my home town but they are also two incredible people! I got the pleasure of taking their engagement photos 2 years ago