Calgary Family Photographer | Paisley Photography

5 Things I Did Wrong When I Started Photography

5 Things I Did Wrong When I Started Photography

It has been many years since I picked up an expensive camera and decided I was going to move my passion from photography to more of a career. When I first started I wanted to skip the whole “learning stage” and move right into he “pro” level. Doesn’t everyone? Well that didn’t necessarily happen. I struggled, yup just like everyone else first learning to master their craft there were ups and downs. Because of this I have listed 5 things I did wrong when I first started photography!

  1. Light is EVERYTHING– I mean it! I see the world through light. When I see a pretty sunset my mind immediately thinks of where I can place a couple for the most epic shot. When I see directional window light I imagine a bride getting ready with the window light lighting up half of her face to create moodiness. I literally see the world and each day through light. When I was first starting out I didn’t necessary see the world this way. I figured I would pick up a camera and it would do all the work right? WRONG! 99.99% of what I do is using the light to create the images I want. Whether that is putting a couple in front of a flash at night to rim light them, or drenching them in the gorgeous golden hour light at sunset, or shielding them from the harsh mid day sun to create moodiness, friends its all about the light! Light, Light, Light understand your light!
  2. Get it right in Camera – This is by far one of the most important lessons a photographer can learn. There are defiantly photographers that will say “don’t worry I can fix that in Photoshop”. While this all may be true there are some things you just can change. You can’t save extremely  blown out highlights on a brides wedding dress, you can’t photoshop in genuine laughter, or fix a back focus. You just can’t! It is way easier to just get it right in camera. Practice shooting in ALL types of light so before you even get into a situation you know the types of setting you will need. Instead of removing bags, jackets or people in PS just remove it before the shot. If you get it right in camera then you life will be so much easier!Calgary Wedding Photographer - Reader Rock Garden Wedding
  3. Don’t Over Edit – This one is something that I struggled with starting out. When I was first learning Photoshop and Lightroom you can get overwhelmed with all the buttons and toogles and just want to use every single one. DONT! You don’t need to. By adding the HRD effect, or making the sky way bluer then it was, it can just distract your eye from the image itself. The purpose of editing is to just enhance your photos not completely change the way they look. By spending the time to learn these programs can help you find your unique style and brand. Don’t over edit your photos, just use these to clean up and polish you images.
  4. Inspiration Photos – I always keep a gallery of inspiration photos on my phone or in my bag. these can be anything from a way to use light, to a pose I want to try or a crop that I think would fit my brand. I do this because even to this day I draw blanks about poses or have brain freezes. Before every shoot I take about 10 mins to look over these photos, try to mentally cement these into my brain and then I can use them for the upcoming shoot. There is also no shame in pulling them out mid session to refresh, or to help your model or couple get a better idea of how you want them to be. I use to try to wing it when I first started and that usually led to me becoming flustered and not being happy with the way the session went. By being prepared and having these inspiration photos at arms reach both you and your clients will be more at ease.
  5. It Will Take a 1000 Bad Shots to Get That 1 Perfect One – Every photographer has those photos you see that stops you dead in your tracks. It is perfectly composed, perfectly light, perfectly timed and perfectly perfect! I know when I started out I could not figure out how those photographers got that shot. Chances are there are 1000’s of shot you don’t see of that same image shot differently before they got “the shot” and thats ok! It is unlikely that you will always nail the shot the first time so there is absolutely nothing wrong with shooting it over and over again until its right. I know I use to beat myself up if I didn’t get it right right away. Now I might take the same bridal portrait 5-10 different ways before I am happy with the image. Bride & Groom Photography - Reader Rock Garden

    If your looking for a Wedding Photography and are in the Calgary, Cochrane, Canmore or Banff area get in touch with me at






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