Week 40 of 2014 was a hard one in my household. This week my husband and I found two lumps on our beloved dog Kodi’s belly. We took into the vet the next day and had her check out. Turns out the lumps were attached to her mammary glands and the vet said there was a risk that it might be cancerous. 🙁 Hard news to swallow for sure! They took a sample of both lumps and told us it would be about a week to get the results. Then the waiting game started. Every time the phone rang my heart pounded wondering if it would be the call from the vet with the results. About mid week I did hear from the vet, but wasn’t good news and it wasn’t bad news. She said that the results were inconclusive and that the only real way to determine if it was cancer was to do a full biopsy. My husband and I made the decision to get the full biopsy done, which would be day surgery for our little miss. Being that she is almost 13 years old we were worried if her little body could withstand the trauma and if they did remove the lumps if the it would fully remove the cancer if it ended up being cancerous. Friday was the longest day of my life! We dropped her off at 7am and wasn’t able to pick her up until 9pm that night! She ended up making it through with flying colours! Just a little more bruising then expected, and of course she was sore for many days, but she is a fighter! We got the best news a couple days later when the results were in saying that the lumps were NOT cancerous and she had a clear bill of health! Best News EVER! Some people say a dog is just a dog but our pooch has a major place in our hearts and is a huge member or our little family!
Melissa Avey
All you need is love! So true. LOVE IT. 🙂
Sara Robertson
I am SO SO SO happy to hear your sweet baby doesn’t have cancer. That’s amazing news!!! I’m sure you will hold her close and cherish everyday you get to spend with her. <3
Linda Kahle
That’s such good news – and beautiful images 🙂