I got to meet Mr. Benjamin when this beautiful baby boy was only 10 days old! He was the perfect little model. Barely fussed at all and was just the most adorable little guy ever! Congrats Kelsey & Jesse on the very handsome new addition to your family!
stephanie Necessary
He’s a handsome little guy! Love the one of him on the stacked suitcases!
Oana Thompson
Awww what a little ham 🙂
This is a sweet sweet session. I bet mom and dad are so proud! These are the kinds of moments parents always remember. Lovely photos.
alison dunn
what a nugget! my favorite is definitely daddy + benjamin 🙂
Marina Feldman
Awww, what a cutie pie. So tiny! Great photographs!
What a sweet newborn session! I love the images of him with his parents!
Awwwwww….. wee little one in a suitcase, that’s precious. He’s so tiny and perfect.
Sweet session! I wouldn’t touch newborn photography with a 10 foot pull so major props to you!
Melissa Dorn
how precious! i love this newborn session!
Ray Urner
Ha! I love how you used the suitcases!
Awe! I love the one with mommy kissing his little nose! 🙂
Kassandra Lee
parents will love this
Jade Mutter
Chasity Noel
The photo of his mom kissing his nose is SO precious!!
Omgoodness what a sweet wee one. Great job
Oh, these are awesome! I love the one of mom kissing the baby’s nose!
Whitney Lane
Super cute!