There is nothing I love more then taking photos for friends. Sharing in those special moments in peoples lives is an incredible opportunity, and I always feel truly blessed! I got the chance to meet little Memphis Black last week, and he was such a little stud! Julie and I went to high school together, and its hard to believe that we are both married and she has her only little one. Congrats Kyle & Julie you have a beautiful little boy!
What sweet and tender images!
Absolutely gorgeous!
Julie Black
My sweet boy absolutely love these!!
Alison Dunn
What a great name! Love that helmet shot 🙂
Jete Devisser
I’m jealous of you photographers that seem to have a knack for newborns!! I can’t for the life of me get babies to sleep 🙂 These are great!
Marie T
I Love those pictures they are so adoreable
Rebecca Anne
Oh how precious.
What a little cutie pie!! And he looks SO tiny!!
Ray Urner
Love the pics with the airplane!! 😀