I got to meet Miss Sophia this week, and what a little sweetie she is! She was the perfect little model. Her big alert eyes just melted my heart from the moment we started! I always love asking how parents decide what to name their little ones. This is no easy task. I love when there is meaning behind the name and this little Norwegian sweetie was named after her Great Grandmother. LOVE!
Andrea Brewster
I love the turquoise and pink combination!
So cute with the whole family and including the dogs!
Rebecca Anne
Oh so precious! So many great shots!
Sophia is such a lovely name. Love the group photo with the doggies 🙂
Jamie Bodo
OMG so cute! Great work here 🙂
Heather Armijo
What a beautiful newborn session!
Aww, beautiful! She is precious and beautiful family!
harshita malhotra
adorable pictures…beautiful newborn session
Chasity Noel
Such a cute little Miss. I love the photo of her precious smile!