Every newborn session is such an honor to capture, but capture your new cousin is make it that much sweeter! World meet Shane, my very adorable new cousin and Charlee’s soon to be best friend! Little Shane is the baby brother of Tilly & Iggy their pup and he might just be the most perfect little guy in the whole world. Tilly was such a sweet big sister to him and was so eager to interact with him at the session. With 2 under two they are going to be a busy house but also they are going to have so much fun growing up together. Shane’s Calgary Baby Boy Newborn Photography session took place in their amazing home and it was so fun to capture these new memories for them. Congrats B Family, he is perfect and the perfect addition you your already amazing family. Love your four!

If your looking for a Newborn Photographer and are in the Calgary, Cochrane, Canmore or Banff area get in touch with me at info@paisleyphotos.ca
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