At only 13 days old Ainsley Olive is already so incredibly loved! You can tell by the way her daddy look sat her that he is wrapped around her finger already. Mom, Kristen, was happy to just sit and stare at her beautiful baby girl any chance she got. Together they make the sweetest family I have ever met. From the top of her head, all the way down to her ten perfect toes Ainsley is adored. I had the pleasure of capturing her Calgary lifestyle newborn photography session last week and it was perfect. I love when I get to meet couples and build a friendship at their maternity session and then get the honour of meeting their sweet baby a couple months later. There is something so special abut watching families grow and change. Congrats C+K you little miss is so sweet and the perfect additon to your family.
I just love these family cuddle moments, where they get to enjoy just being a family.
Feeling pretty safe in Daddies arms.
So so sweet!
If your looking for Newborn Photography and are in the Calgary, Canmore or Banff area get in touch with me at info@paisleyphotos.ca
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