Calgary Family Photographer | Paisley Photography

Cochrane Family Photography

Jason & Shannon are two of my absolute favourite people! I have know them forever and Shannon was even a bridesmaid in my wedding and I in her’s. These two met back in school but it wasn’t until the summer after high school did they actually start dating. Fast forwards 12 years and these two are married, still madly in love and have added two fur babies to their adorable family. For their Cochrane family photography session we headed to a place all three of us know well, Cochrane Ranche. Even their pooches Mandy & Bernie got to be in the photos! I got attacked with slobbery puppy kissed from Mandy and I almost feel like part family now.

Photographing these two was seriously the best! There is nothing better then hanging out with the special people in my life, but getting the opportunity to photograph them might just top it. I can remember back to Shannon and my many sleep overs talking and chatting about where we would be in 10 years. What we would be doing as a career, who we would married to and where we would live. Never in my wildest dreams would I have pictured us where we are today but I also wouldn’t change a single thing about it! Jason & Shannon you guys are perfectly made for each other and it was such an honour to be able to capture these memories for you guys! Love you guys!

Cochrane Family Session Cochrane Family Photography Cochrane Ranch Family Photos

Who doesn’t love open mouth kisses from your dog?!?Cochrane Family Photography Family Photographer Cochrane Cochrane Ranche Family Photography Family Photos Cochrane Cochrane Photographer Cochrane Family Photographer Cochrane Ranche Family Photos Cochrane Family Photos Cochrane Ranche Family Photography



  • February 16, 2016

    Perfection! Seriously, bring your pets to your photography session and I’ll be your friends forever! Gorgeous work, lady!

  • Laura Alcantara
    February 16, 2016

    LOVE the setting and lightings! What wonderful photos you have captured here for this lovely couple! and those pups….. <3

  • February 16, 2016

    Always the best backdrops and light, love love these!

  • February 17, 2016

    Your photos are always so consistently gorgeous. No wonder everyone in Cochrane thinks you are such an amazing photographer!

  • February 17, 2016

    What beautiful family photography, and adding in the pets… Just perfection!

  • February 18, 2016

    Gorgeous light and location! And those pooches are to die for. What a great session!

  • February 19, 2016

    Love me some dogs!

  • February 19, 2016

    Amazing! I love when couples include their fur kids. 🙂 Will be visiting Cochrane in August!

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