Fur Family Calgary Downtown Session | Paul & Monica | Calgary Couple Photographer

When your best friend is a crazy talented photographer and she asks you to capture her sweet Fur Family Calgary Downtown Session, you are honored but also slightly nervous. For their Fur Family Calgary Downtown Session we headed to the roof of a parkade just as the sun was setting. I seriously love these two and their very sweet pups. They also happen to be absolute rock stars in front of the camera. I couldn’t help but laugh until my cheeks hurt, say “Cute, Cute Cute!” waaaay to many times and absolutely swoon over the light and their love. I can not explain how awesome this session was and how much of an honor it was to have them in front of my camera! Thank you Paul, Monica, Sammy & Boomer you guys are seriously my favorite!!

If your looking for a Couple Photographer and are in the Calgary, Cochrane, Canmore or Banff area get in touch with me at info@paisleyphotos.ca
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