Jack & Lacy’s Beautiful Winter Family Session – Fischcreek Family Photographer

I got the absolute pleasure of hanging out with Jack Lacy and their two beautiful little girls Rylie & Zoey! It was a beautiful evening to head down to Shannon Terrece in Fishcreek for their winter family session. Jack and Lacy really do have two of the cutest girls in the world! Zoey has these beautiful always alert eyes, that melt you heart. And little Miss Rylie has the best toothless grin around! She for sure will be asking Santa for her two front teeth! Thank you guys for letting me be part of your winter holiday memories!
Catherine from Open Shutters Photography
What a beautiful location! And the light in these images are incredible. And yes, those are the cutest girls!
I am so jealous of all of this snow! Beautiful images!
Liesl Diesel
it is beautiful but I must admit I do not miss the snow!
So fun! What a fabulous shoot!
So beautiful! Despite the snow, the family looks so warm and cozy 🙂
Ray Urner
Awesome. The pic against the fence is my fave!
Jete Devisser
Love the snow! Wish we got more of it out here… Although I do hate being cold, so I might now even book snow sessions if it did end up snowing! These are so awesome!
Whitney Lane
These guys are adorbs
Tracy from Love and be Loved
Gorgeous setting! Love the snow and the beautiful sun peaking through!