{Mark+Rosalind} Calgary 17th Ave Engagement – Calgary Wedding Photographer

I had an absolute BLAST with Mark & Rosalind on the weekend shooting their engagement photos down in the back alleys of Calgary’s 17th Ave! They had done some awesome scouting out of some great locations along Calgary’s Red Mile prior to their session, which made my job super easy! Anything I suggest they were up for including playing with calk on building walls, pretending to be super agents, and just being stinking cute! These guys are ridiculously awesome and I can not wait for their July 2014 wedding!
I love how you showed their love for one another!
Sarah Brianne
ADORABLE! Love this session!
SO fun, colorful and creative! I love all the different angles and great textures. Beautiful session!
Adorable! Love everything about this!
Such a cute, fun couple. The last 3 images are my favorite.
Beautiful work! I love the yellow in the bottom photos!
Mimika Cooney
So romantic love them!
Tracy from Love and be Loved
So cute! They look like such a fun couple. Love the little pop of color that her scarf adds to the shots!
These are wonderful. The couple looks so fun!
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