Calgary Family Photographer | Paisley Photography

I got the opportunity to travel around Spain & Portugal over the month of June and do what I love best. Photography! Two of my absolute favourite thing collide when I get to travel and take photos. We spent 2 weeks in Spain traveling through Barcelona, Mallorca, and Seville (a very important city seeing as it is our last name! 🙂 ) Then we spent 2 weeks in Portugal travelling from small fishing village to the next ending up in Lisbon. It was truly an incredible experience that I will cherish forever. If you every get the chance GO! Go immerse yourself into their cultures; eat tapas and watch a flamenco show, find a hidden beach on the Portuguese coast, rent a kayak and discover the many sea caves, and lose yourself on the Lisbon streets. Go get out there and travel! You will never regret the experiences, you will only regret it if you don’t go!


Barcelona Photography


Travel Photographer

International Travel Photographer

Portugal Photography

Portugese Church


Portugese coast



  • July 3, 2013

    You take stunning travel photos!! your composition is perfect makes me wish I was there seeing this beautiful place too.

  • July 3, 2013

    beautiful! wish to go soon!!

  • July 3, 2013

    Beautiful, wish I could be there!

  • Jason
    July 3, 2013

    If you need an assitant next trip just let me know. I’m not that smart but I can carry lots of bags. Love the old buildings and the sunsets. Well done.

  • July 3, 2013

    Oooooh, so beautiful! We spent two months in Spain for our honeymoon….MUST. GO. BACK. You got me so excited to return!

  • July 3, 2013

    These are super gorgeous! Makes me want to go there x

  • aubri
    July 3, 2013

    amazing chantal!

  • July 3, 2013

    I’ve been to Spain and Portugal and absolutely LOVED it!!! Such amazing history and architecture! Your photos are absolutely STUNNING.

  • July 4, 2013

    So cool! LOVE the open door!!

  • July 4, 2013

    sooooo shem if you ever need an assistant (wink) let me know. I speak spanish fluently and I have done extensive traveling in Spain and visited Portugal. Oh I can also carry things…bellisimas fotos!

  • July 5, 2013

    I am so jealous! The beauty is overwhelming. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me to keep the idea of European travel alive! Beautiful images!

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