We started week 18 still being in the great city of San Francisco! We made sure we stopped in at Alcatraz and soak up all the history we could. We also got to meet the last surviving Alcatraz inmate. He
Its official I am now 28 years old since having my birthday over the weekend! Every year you get asked if you feel older, and wiser and do you really ever answer yes? This past year has been such an
This week is week 12 in my 365 a click a day project. 12 week means that these photos are numbers 77-83 out of 365. Hard to believe! I have to admit I have surprised myself, and I have absolutely
Week 10 already! I can barely believe that we are already 70 days into the 365 project. That means we are we are just about 1/5 of the way through the year. Thinking and looking back over the photos that
This week I decided to stop again at a spot in my home town that I drive by just about every day. I was playing tourist in my own town again and once again I am so glad I did.
This week photos were so much fun to take. There are these two old churches I have passed by many many times and have wanted to stop and take photos there but just never have had the time. Well this
This week my hubby and I booked a two week trip to Costa Rica and we are soooo excited! Both of us absolutely LOVE traveling and was a huge part of my journey that reignited my love for photography. We
This weeks photos were a little less of a "hassle". After taking a photo everyday for 4 weeks I am secretly hopping that it has almost has become an addiction and just part of my everyday life. I was chatting