Calgary Family Photographer | Paisley Photography

This week photos were so much fun to take. There are these two old churches I have passed by many many times and have wanted to stop and take photos there but just never have had the time. Well this week I made time, and I am SOOO glad I did! They are absolutely beautiful old buildings, and one of those places that we take for granted and drive past day after day. When I pulled up to the second church the caretaker of the church actually invited me inside and I got a full tour! I was amazed by how worn out and tired the outside looked but how stunning and shinny the inside was. It was like a little bit of Europe right here in Canada. You are always told to slow down and be a tourist in your own city, and I am so glad I decided to to do just that! It was also Valentines day this week so there had to be a couple lovey dove photos! 😉




  • February 20, 2014

    These photos are great! The idea of made a click everyday is awesome. Are there any rules for the photos?

  • Kelly
    February 20, 2014

    Fun! I am doing a photo a day project too on FB! It’s a fun way to document the year! Way to go!

  • Arica
    February 20, 2014

    What a fun idea! Love that piano shot.

  • February 20, 2014

    Gorgeous work!

  • February 20, 2014

    Good for you keeping up with this!

  • February 20, 2014

    Sure cute

  • February 20, 2014

    Love this week’s clicks! They look awesome!

  • February 20, 2014

    Great photos! This is so fun to look back on after the year is finished 🙂

  • February 20, 2014

    I have yet to try a 365, so fun!!

  • February 20, 2014

    Good for you for keeping up with this. Great photos too. You can tell that it’s still a passion for you and not becoming a chore!

  • February 21, 2014

    These are lovely! I love the focus on details.

  • February 21, 2014

    I love how you laid this out with the contrast between the B/W and saturated color 🙂

  • February 21, 2014

    Way to go making it so far on your 365! Beautiful images

  • February 22, 2014

    Love the candy heart shot!

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