What to Pack in Your Wedding Day Survival Kit | Calgary Wedding Photographer

If you have been a part of wedding before you have probably heard the term “Wedding Day Survival Kit”. If you haven’t I am sure you are wondering what exactly this is all about. No matter how much you plan and how detailed your day-of binder or dou-tang gets, wedding day hiccups are bound to happen. And that’s where this handy little (…or not so little) kit comes in!
Everything in this kit are for those just in case moments. You plan for them and hope they never happen. This could be anything from a heel braking, a stain happening to the beloved wedding dress, blisters from those brand new wedding shoes. Everything you might need to make the day go off without a hitch should be in this bag. Also since it’s her unspoken duty to put out whatever fires threaten the bride’s big day, it’s usually the maid of honor’s job to compile this kit and have it on hand. (It makes a great wedding shower gift, too!). Pack up your kit in a tote bag or tackle box, keep it easily accessible in the bridal prep room, limo and during the dinner and/or reception, and hope you never need to use it.
Here are the essentials to your Wedding Day Survival Kit:
1. Mini sewing kit including safety pins, scissors, needle & white thread
2. Baby Powder to absorb the sweat on those hot summer days
3. Deodorant to keep everyone feeling fresh
4. Q-tips & Makeup remover so your big cry can happen but it doesn’t have to be document in photos
5. Blotting paper to keep you shine free
6. Tampons just in case Aunt Flow comes unexpectedly
7. Band aids & Pain Killers.
8. Sunscreen for those paler friends of yours on those hot summer weddings
9. Granola Bars or easy to grab messy free food to keep you going throughout the day. We don’t need anyone passing out due to hunger.
10. Water! Bring water bottles and make sure everyone drinks lots
11. Breath Mints. You will be kissing a lot and talking in close proximity to people so make sure your breath is fresh thought the day.
12. Stain remover Pen. You never know what might happen throughout the day so bring a tide pen to be on the safe side.
13. White Chalk. If something gets on the wedding dress and it just won’t come out, you can usually mask the stain with chalk. No one will be any the wiser.
14. Lint Roller to remove fuzz and hairs of those spiffy dark suits
15. Dental Floss to keep everyone’s pearly white photo ready
16. Phone Chargers to make sure all the devices are topped up
17. Extra Bobby Pins & Hair Elastics for those hair emergencies
18. Extra Earring Backs
19. Allergy Meds.
20. Extra Lipstick for the bride to touch up with during the day
21. Straws so the ladies can stay hydrated without ruining their lips.
22. Double Sided Tape so no one has a wardrobe malfunction
23. Bug Spray
24. A Spare Copy of Your Vows so you don’t have to try to remember them if they get left on your bed side table.
25. Flats to change into for dancing.
This list may make it seem like you’re packing everything but the kitchen sink, but when an emergency arises, you’ll be thankful you planned ahead!
If your looking for a Wedding Photographer and are in the Calgary, Cochrane, Canmore or Banff area get in touch with me at info@paisleyphotos.ca
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