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Why You Should Look Forwards to Your Marriage, Not Just Your Wedding

Why You Should Look Forwards to Your Marriage, Not Just Your Wedding

Why You Should Look Forwards to Your Marriage, Not Just Your Wedding

Some girls dream of the moment they walk down the aisle. The perfect dress they will be wearing, their perfectly pick flowers they will be holding, and the prince charming they will be walking up to. With all the emphasis on the perfect wedding day, it’s no wonder many of us feel pressured to live up to the hype. Between planning a kick-ass reception to go along with your emotional wedding ceremony, it’s important to stop and really remember the whole purpose for the celebration: the marriage!! You know, the thing that happens when all the people are gone, when the bouquet is past its prime, and when all the excitement is over. Here are five reasons Why You Should Look Forwards to Your Marriage, Not Just Your Wedding.


Photo by Justine Russo

  1. You are vowing for forever and that’s a long time! In your wedding vows you vow for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. This means you are promising a future together, not just the wedding day. With marriage you are promising to build a life together, promising to combine your personal path and your spouses into one. Your promising to stick side by side through the good, the bad, the loss, the excitement, kids, pets, moves, it all. Those vows aren’t just something you say, it’s a guideline to live by.
  2. A Marriage License Isn’t Commitment. People get married every single day of the year all over the world. A wedding is a great excuse to celebrate with your friends and family but by signing on that dotted line doesn’t make everything easier or for you to stay married. The point is, commitment is a choice, and it’s one you gotta make every day — not just a piece of paper you sign at the alter.
  3. Wedding Planning is Great Practice. Now don’t get me wrong I am not suggesting you plan multiple weddings (especially not with multiple people), but it is great practice to see how each other communicates under stress, see how you are a team stick to a budget, how you make joint decisions, and listen to one another. Planning a wedding can be a lot of work but if you stick together and lean on each other, you will have a better understanding of how your partner works and thinks down the road.
  4. #TribeGoals. One of the best parts of your wedding day is being surrounded by all the people you love, cherish and have supported you in your relationship. Now it doesn’t matter if you have 10 people or 100 people those people are your tribe and will be the people that you can count on to keep you accountable. These are the people in your marriage you will end up relying on when you are going through a crisis, or celebrate with you when your on top of the world. On your big day, think about the fact that this tribe surrounding you may be just as important to your marriage as your spouse.
  5. It’s one of MANY bests! I hear it all the time, brides saying “This is the Best day of my life!” or “This is the most important day of my life.” Truth is you are going to have a lot “Best Days of Your Life”. Its kinda like someone saying high school was the best time of your life. Really? Cause I remember the math homework and instead of a school bell they played Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire over and over again. (No Joke, this actually happened!) Think of your wedding as the kick-start to a new chapter in your relationship where there will many more best days ever. Aim for your marriage to be just as stunning as your perfectly planned wedding ceremony, and plan on devoting the same amount of time, energy, and intent to holding hands, sneaking butt slaps, and stealing glances your entire marriage as you did while you were dating. #DateYourMate


Photo by Justine Russo

If your looking for Wedding Photography and are in the Calgary, Cochrane, Canmore or Banff area get in touch with me at







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