I met the Zimmer family down in Fish Creek Park on the first snowfall of the winter season. It was a little chilly but this stunning family braved the cold and ended up with these beautiful and cozy family photos. I loved everything about this session from their incredible wardrobe to their very cute little man! It was the perfect way to celebrate the start of winter! 🙂
Tosha Devonn
Beautiful family and love this family photography session! Love that little spot too!
Amazing location and photography! I really love how the styling, colors and lighting worked together.
Ashley Eiban
Oh I love these! He is so so cute! I love his hair so much! Such a beautiful location and session! You did a fantastic job!!
amanda Reid
The Most Adorable Family. The photos are so great, they will have these for years to come!
AnnMarie Denis
These are gorgie!!! I love that location and I love this family’s style! Great job!
Rebecca Anne
These are so precious and lovely! They are going to love these family photos!
Madison Hale
HIS HAIR! Ah! So cute! Gorgeous pictures, and they did great on outfits!!
Stacey Markel
Oh my goodness! I just LOVE all of these!! Beautiful location and images!
Eek! Just love these! So gorgeous and love the fall colors!
Cori Nations
Oh, my! This location is amazing, and the family is even more beautiful!
So so so so cute!
Wendy Cain
Lovely photos of a gorgeous family, well done