Calgary Family Photographer | Paisley Photography

Cochrane Ranche Maternity Session

Cochrane Ranche is one of my favourite locations for sessions! On the weekend I met Clifton & Kirsten there for their Cochrane Ranche maternity session. The best part about this location was this was exactly where these two tied the knot two years ago. How fun is that? They also brought their adorable rescue pup Rizzo and she was the perfect model! Cochrane Ranche also has this beautiful old grandfather tree in the middle of the forested area. Clifton & Kirsten wanted to have photos their for their wedding, but being they got married in the winter the hike up to it was a little bit sketchy. For their maternity session we made sure to make a point to head up there and snap a few with this hundred year old tree!

Cochrane Ranche Maternity Session Cochrane Maternity Photography Maternity Photos Cochrane Maternity Photographer Cochrane Maternity Photography Cochrane

I asked them if they know what they were having and they said they are keeping it a surprise, and I kinda love that!!Cochrane Ranche House Maternity Maternity Photography with Dog Cochrane Calgary Maternity Photographer

Look at how amazing this tree is!! A serious photographers dream!!Cochrane Maternity Session Cochrane Family Photographer Calgary Maternity Photographer

Another place C+K had wedding photos was this beautiful old bridge. Its more of a pedestrian bridge now but it at as the perfect backdrop for photos. They picked a beautiful sunny spring day for their maternity session so the strong bridge lines against the blue sky made perfect photos!!Calgary Maternity Session Maternity Photographer Calgary

Seriously one of my favourite photos! Look at how cute they are!!!Cochrane Ranche Maternity Session

Congrats you two! I can not wait to meet baby Baker!!


  • Kelly loeffler
    April 20, 2016

    Lovely maternity session. I love the forest pictures with the dog

  • Kirsten
    April 20, 2016

    Love them Chantal! Thank you so much

  • April 20, 2016

    The roots on that tree are incredible! What a special place to have your photos taken. You always find the best spots. 🙂

  • April 20, 2016

    Such a pretty maternity gallery!

  • April 21, 2016

    What a beautiful maternity session and family. That tree is ridiculous, I would love to see it in person.

  • April 21, 2016

    These are sooo sweet!

  • Linda
    April 21, 2016

    Great images and such a great location!

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