Calgary Family Photographer | Paisley Photography

2017… what a year! It is hard to believe we are already onto 2018! That means I will have been alive for 11,596 days as of today, celebrated 31 birthdays (creeping up to my 32nd), celebrated 8 years of marriage, and 9 years running my business. I captured 19 newborn sessions, 24 cake smash sessions, 35 couples, 62 family sessions, 13 maternity sessions, and 17 weddings and elopements. That means in total I have met and captured memories for 170 amazing clients and their families!! Crazy! I wanted to put together a post where I shared my most memorable moments from 2017 but I just couldn’t decide which ones to post about. To keep it easy I decided to let BestNine do the work for me and round up the top 9 photos that YOU all liked most.

BestNine Paisley Photography 2017

What a Year What A Year!

I am so in love with this years best nine photos and think it is a great representation of 2017 in a vert small nut shell.

Top left hand corner was actually a shoot I shot down at the Calgary Stampede a couple years ago but gave it a fresh new edit for 2017. It is still one of my all time favorite sessions!

Top middle photo is a hard one for me. Our sweet pooch Kodi passed away mid December at the age of 17! She was the sweetest, quirkiest, craziest pooch I had ever met, but she was our pooch. She went just about everywhere with us from a two week 50 hour driving time road trip down the Organ Coast, to spending summers camping in BC, to sharing in family Christmas’ at my parents place. It is really hard not having her sweet face looking at us first thing every morning or her cute curled tail wagging rapidly as she watches us pull up our driveway from being out for the evening, but we know she is in a better place out of pain and sickness. RIP sweet Kodi Dog.

Top right photo is a big one! This was the photo where I announced that Paisley Photography was hosting our very first ever workshop! Eeek! This was a time were I stepped WAY out of my comfort zone and it paid off huge! It was such a huge success and we plan to run another one hopefully this spring so stay tuned for that!!

Middle left is again a re edit I did on on of my favorite shots from one of my favorite venues, Willow Lane Barn. This particular shot we were lucky enough to be blessed with clear skies so we were able to see each and every star that shown around that barn that night!! It was a great way to end Cody & Jessica’s amazing country wedding.

Middle middle is one of my all time favorite ceremony shots. I mean who can resist a man in uniform… am I right? This shot was a spur of the moment shot as Mitch and Melissa  walked hand in hand down their aisle after being pronounced husband and wife.

Middle right is actually my rings. Being that my husband is a fireman I wanted to see if I could do a fun fireman themed ring shot of my own rings. I LOVED how this shot turned out and might just be my favorite ring shot we have ever done! I may also have singed all the hair off my one arm to get this shot but it was totally worth it!

Bottom left was such a fun shot. In the summer there were such bad forest fires in and around Calgary that most of the mountain weddings everyone shot the mountains were all severely hazed. However in this particular shot that smoke that we all fought with all summer added a very cool element to it. With our flashes adding the extra light we needed for this night shot it also illuminated all the smoke that was think and hovering just off the ground. I absolutely love how this shot turned out and could not have asked for a better couple to create this with!

Bottom middle is one of the final shots I took at Jordan and Kristin’s engagement session where we had one of the most unreal Alberta sunsets that I had ever seen. This was a session where we went back to a bunch of their first date spots ending with this amazing spot just outside Priddis. I am not surprised this photo made the top nine as it is defiantly one of my favorites!

Last but not least is the bottom right. This photo was from our very first Event Core styled shoot in April. We had some of the most incredible and talented Calgary wedding vendors take part in the shoot and to say it turned out amazing would be an understatement. We were also lucky enough to get this shoot published in Calgary Bride ( now Confetti). It was such an honor to work a long side to many incredible vendors and it truly was a highlight of 2017!

There are many many more moments from 2017 that I will cherish and remember for a long time. 2017 truly was a year to remember. I can not wait to see all the awesome that comes with 2018! Thank you to all my incredible clients for being a part of my amazing 2017 and for trusting me to capture your memories. I wouldn’t be able to do my dream job everyday without you all. So cheers to you! Thank You! Thank You, THANK YOU!!!

Now just for fun here is a look back at 2016 BestNine:

Paisley Photography's Best Nine 2016

If your looking for Wedding Photography and are in the Calgary, Cochrane, Canmore or Banff area get in touch with me at






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